
Rich Man Spots Old Cross on Maid’s Neck and Turns Pale from Sudden Memory

Yevhenii Boichenko
Mar 07, 2024
07:53 A.M.

I am a young maid who was just trying to get a decent job. But the moment I entered that mansion, my life changed forever. My whole life, I've lived in poverty and struggled but such a small thing as an old cross is what led me to discover the truth about my family and my true identity.


My name is Kerry, and life hasn't been kind to me from the start. At just 19 years old, I've seen more of the world's harsh realities than many my age.

My mother's early death tore my family apart, leaving me to navigate the cold, often indifferent world of temporary foster homes.

Amidst this turmoil, one thing remained constant – a cross around my neck, inscribed with the name "Belford." This small piece of metal was more than just jewelry; it was the last tangible connection to my family, a beacon of hope in my darkest moments.

Despite my youth, I've had to grow up fast, taking on responsibilities that most teenagers couldn't imagine.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


My early entry into the workforce wasn't a choice but a necessity, a means to support myself in a world that offered little sympathy for my plight. But I wasn't content with just getting by.

I poured my heart and soul into every task, every job, determined to rise above my circumstances. My dedication and hard work didn't go unnoticed.

Over the years, I honed my skills as a maid, learning the ins and outs of the profession until I was as efficient and meticulous as they come.

Then, an opportunity came knocking that I couldn't pass up – a job at the Mansion. The very name conjured images of grandeur and luxury, a stark contrast to the life I had known. The owners were wealthy beyond my wildest dreams, their lives a tapestry of opulence and privilege.

I remember walking through those grand doors for the first time, a mix of awe and nervous anticipation churning in my stomach. This job was my chance to secure a stable future, to have a semblance of control over my life finally.

But the Mansion was more than just a workplace; it was a world unto itself, with its own rules and hierarchies. I was determined to prove my worth, to show that I was more than just my past.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

With each polished silverware, each meticulously cleaned room, I silently vowed to rise above my station, to make something of myself against all odds.

The cross around my neck, my only inheritance, was a constant reminder of where I came from – and a symbol of the strength I carried within me.

From the moment I stepped into the grandeur of the Mansion, I was greeted not with warmth, but with the icy demeanor of Veronica, the owner's wife.

With her stern expression and scrutinizing gaze, it was clear that she was a woman accustomed to command and control. Veronica, with her sharp features and an air of unapproachable elegance, seemed more like a queen presiding over her court than a welcoming host.


"My name is Kerry," I introduced myself, trying to hide the tremble in my voice. Her eyes, cold and assessing, seemed to pierce right through me.

"Make sure you understand the standards we maintain here," Veronica said, her voice devoid of warmth. Every word she spoke was measured, her tone laced with an expectation of perfection.

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As I went about my duties, Veronica's presence loomed large. It felt as though she was always there, watching my every move with a critical eye.

The air seemed to grow colder whenever she was near, and the mansion, with all its opulence, felt more like a gilded cage. Her criticisms were sharp and unyielding, cutting deeper than the chill of the polished marble floors beneath my feet.


"For someone in your position, I would have expected better," she remarked disdainfully after noticing a minor oversight in my work. Her words stung, a harsh reminder of the vast gulf between our worlds.

It was as if she derived some twisted satisfaction from reminding me of my place, from asserting her dominance as the mistress of the mansion and I, merely her servant.

Despite the heaviness in my heart, I refused to let her words break me. Each cutting remark, each disdainful glance, I met with silent resilience. I knew my worth, knew that my circumstances were not a reflection of my character.

The cross around my neck felt heavier in her presence, a silent witness to my struggles and a reminder of the strength I carried within me.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


Veronica's coldness and harsh judgments were a constant challenge, but they also served as a fuel for my determination. I was resolved to prove her wrong, to show her that my financial situation was not a measure of my ability or my worth.

With every task completed, every challenge met, I silently vowed to rise above her disdain, to find my place in this world despite the obstacles she placed in my path.

I poured my heart and soul into my work, hoping to prove myself worthy of this job at the Mansion. Each task was completed with care, each corner dusted with precision.

Yet, it seemed no matter how hard I tried, it was never enough for Veronica. The atmosphere at dinner was tense, the clinking of cutlery echoing like distant thunder across the grand dining hall.

I moved quietly, almost invisibly, between the shadows, ensuring that every aspect of the service was perfect. But then, a single mistake - a moment's hesitation, a lapse in the seamless choreography of the evening - caught Veronica's icy gaze.

"That's it. You're fired," Veronica declared, her voice cutting through the murmur of the dining room like a knife.

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The words hit me like a physical blow, leaving me reeling. The idea of losing this job, my only means of support, filled me with a deep, hollow panic.

But then, an unexpected voice broke through my despair. "Wait, what's that you're wearing?" Desmond, the true owner of the Mansion, had never much spoken directly to me before. His voice was curious, a stark contrast to his wife's icy tones.

"This?" I touched the cross around my neck, a small beacon of hope amidst my growing dread. "It was my grandfather's, Richard Belford," I explained, my voice barely above a whisper.

Desmond's interest piqued, and for a moment, the tension in the air shifted. "Richard Belford was your grandfather?" he repeated, his tone laced with surprise and something else I couldn't quite place.

There was a brief exchange of looks between him and Veronica, a silent conversation in which I was not included.

Then, as suddenly as the storm had arrived, it passed. "You can stay," Desmond decided, overruling Veronica with a finality that brooked no argument.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


The relief that washed over me was palpable, but so was my confusion. Why did my grandfather's name change their minds? Why did it matter to them?

I didn't dare ask. The fear of reigniting Veronica's wrath and the mystery of Desmond's sudden interest in my heritage swirled within me. But above all else, I felt a flicker of hope.

I had been granted a reprieve, a chance to stay and perhaps uncover the secrets that seemed to lurk just beneath the surface of this grand estate. For now, that was enough.

The morning light streamed through the large windows of the corridor, casting long shadows on the polished floors. My hands moved mechanically, dusting off the antique furniture that lined the walls, a routine that had become all too familiar.

Yet, my mind was elsewhere, lost in thoughts of the previous night's events. The mystery of my sudden reprieve from dismissal and the significance of my grandfather's name weighed heavily on me.

As I moved silently along the corridor, my attention was caught by the hushed tones of conversation. Veronica and Desmond stood at the far end, their heads bowed together in what seemed like a serious discussion.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

My name floated through the air, snagging my curiosity and halting my movements. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but the stirring of fear and curiosity was too strong to resist.

“She cannot be here! She might find out everything!” Veronica's voice, usually so controlled and cold, quivered with barely contained panic.

Her words sent a chill down my spine. What could possibly be so terrible that my mere presence would cause such distress?

Desmond's response was a soft murmur, too low for me to catch every word, but the tone was soothing, an attempt to calm the storm that raged within his wife.

“If we let her go, she might find out the truth on her own, and then the situation will get out of our control. Calm down, dear. I have thought everything through,” he whispered, his voice a stark contrast to Veronica's.


Their words swirled around in my head, a torrent of questions flooding my mind. What truth were they speaking of? And how did it involve me? The fear that had initially gripped me began to morph into a burning curiosity.

Whatever secret they were trying to hide, it was clear that it was somehow connected to me - to my family, to my grandfather.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

I stepped back, my heart pounding in my chest, afraid of being discovered. The conversation between Veronica and Desmond had opened a door to a mystery that I hadn't known existed, and now, I couldn't ignore it.

Despite the fear, a part of me was determined to find out the truth, to uncover the secrets that seemed to link my family's past to the mysterious owners of the Mansion. But I also knew I had to tread carefully.


The path to uncovering these secrets was fraught with uncertainty, and I had to be smart about how I navigated the delicate situation I found myself in.

The mansion's corridors echoed with the hushed tones of mystery, pulling me further into a web of secrets I couldn't resist.

The conversation between Desmond and Veronica, though muffled, sparked a curiosity in me that was impossible to quench. I knew I shouldn't pry, but the stakes felt personal, the whispers too entwined with my own story to ignore.

Creeping closer to the source of the murmurs, I found myself outside Desmond's study, a room that always seemed to hold more than just books and papers.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


The gap between the door and the wall became my narrow window to the unknown, my eyes straining to catch glimpses of the truth hidden within.

The glow of the computer screen within the study painted shadows on Desmond's face, revealing a seriousness I had rarely seen.

He was showing something to Veronica, something important enough to warrant whispered discussions and furtive glances.

My heart raced as I tried to piece together their silent story from mere fragments, feeling like a detective in a novel I had once read.

Attempting to adjust my position for a better view, my hand brushed against a shelf, sending a small but audible sound through the silence.

The moment the noise escaped, I knew I had made a mistake. The conversation inside the room ceased abruptly, replaced by a heavy silence that seemed to weigh down on me.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


In a panic, I retreated a few steps and grabbed the nearest duster, feigning a casualness I was far from feeling. My heart pounded against my ribcage, a loud drum in the quiet of the corridor.

As Desmond approached the door, I could feel his suspicion like a tangible force, threatening to unveil my poorly concealed curiosity.

He opened the door, and our eyes met. His gaze was sharp, cutting through my pretense with ease.

I tried to appear indifferent, focusing on the duster in my hands as if my life depended on it. But inside, my thoughts were racing, wondering if he could see the curiosity burning in my eyes.

Desmond didn't speak. He didn't need to. His look said everything—distrust, warning, maybe even a challenge.

As he closed the door, leaving me alone in the corridor, a shiver ran down my spine. The brief encounter had confirmed my fears; there were secrets here, secrets that Desmond and Veronica were desperate to keep hidden.

But why? What was so important that it warranted such secrecy? And more importantly, what did it have to do with me? The cross around my neck felt heavier, a silent reminder of the mystery that linked me to this family, to this mansion.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

I knew then that I couldn't let it go. Despite the risk, despite Desmond's suspicious gaze, I needed to find out the truth.

Not just for my peace of mind, but to understand my place in this puzzle. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with secrets and lies, but I was determined to uncover the truth, no matter where it led.

As I returned to the kitchen, the clatter of pots and pans replaced the whispers of secrets, grounding me back to reality.

The kitchen, with its warm smells of cooking and the familiar routine of preparing meals, felt like a safe haven from the mysteries that lurked in the corridors of the mansion.


Yet, the conversation I had overheard between Veronica and Desmond clung to my thoughts like a stubborn stain, refusing to be washed away by the mundane tasks at hand.

"Why would they be talking about me?" I pondered quietly while chopping vegetables for the lunch. The rhythm of the knife hitting the cutting board was usually calming, but today it sounded like a persistent drum, echoing the confusion and curiosity swirling in my mind.

"And why would I, of all people, pose a threat to them?" It all seemed so ludicrous, so far-fetched. I was just a maid, a small part of the vast machinery that kept the mansion running smoothly. What danger could I possibly represent?

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like I was making a mountain out of a molehill. Perhaps I had misunderstood their words, or maybe they were speaking metaphorically about something else entirely.


"Focus on the task at hand, Kerry," I chided myself, trying to shake off the unease. The vegetables needed to be ready for the soup, and the bread had to be taken out of the oven before it burned.

As I immersed myself in the familiar routine of cooking, I allowed the rhythm of the kitchen to soothe my frayed nerves.

The sizzle of onions in the pan, the aromatic blend of herbs and spices, and the warmth from the oven enveloped me in a cocoon of normalcy.

For a moment, I managed to convince myself that everything was just as it should be, that the secrets and whispers were nothing more than a product of my overactive imagination.

Yet, deep down, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. The cross around my neck felt heavier than before, a constant reminder of the unanswered questions that lingered in the air.

But for now, I resolved to put those thoughts aside and focus on my duties. Lunch wouldn't prepare itself, after all, and I needed to keep my job. The mysteries of the mansion could wait, at least for a little while longer.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


As I returned to the kitchen, the clatter of pots and pans replaced the whispers of secrets, grounding me back to reality.

The kitchen, with its warm smells of cooking and the familiar routine of preparing meals, felt like a safe haven from the mysteries that lurked in the corridors of the mansion.

Yet, the conversation I had overheard between Veronica and Desmond clung to my thoughts like a stubborn stain, refusing to be washed away by the mundane tasks at hand.

"Why would they be talking about me?" I pondered quietly while chopping vegetables for the lunch. The rhythm of the knife hitting the cutting board was usually calming, but today it sounded like a persistent drum, echoing the confusion and curiosity swirling in my mind.

"And why would I, of all people, pose a threat to them?" It all seemed so ludicrous, so far-fetched. I was just a maid, a small part of the vast machinery that kept the mansion running smoothly. What danger could I possibly represent?

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like I was making a mountain out of a molehill. Perhaps I had misunderstood their words, or maybe they were speaking metaphorically about something else entirely.


"Focus on the task at hand, Kerry," I chided myself, trying to shake off the unease. The vegetables needed to be ready for the soup, and the bread had to be taken out of the oven before it burned.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

As I immersed myself in the familiar routine of cooking, I allowed the rhythm of the kitchen to soothe my frayed nerves. The sizzle of onions in the pan, the aromatic blend of herbs and spices, and the warmth from the oven enveloped me in a cocoon of normalcy.

For a moment, I managed to convince myself that everything was just as it should be, that the secrets and whispers were nothing more than a product of my overactive imagination.

Yet, deep down, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. The cross around my neck felt heavier than before, a constant reminder of the unanswered questions that lingered in the air. But for now, I resolved to put those thoughts aside and focus on my duties.


Lunch wouldn't prepare itself, after all, and I needed to keep my job. The mysteries of the mansion could wait, at least for a little while longer.

As I continued my work in the kitchen, chopping and stirring, lost in the rhythm of my tasks, Veronica swept in with an air of urgency that was unusual for her.

She approached me with a slightly softened expression, a rarity from the usually cold and commanding demeanor she held around the mansion.

"Kerry, we've run into a bit of a snag with some of the paperwork related to your employment here," Veronica began, her voice carrying a tone of forced patience.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

"It's nothing to worry about, but we need your personal documents to sort it out. We'll have to make new ones for you, and everything will be returned promptly."


The news caught me off guard. I paused, the knife I was using to chop carrots hovering in mid-air. "Oh, I see. Is everything alright?" I asked, trying to mask my concern with a tone of casual interest.

The request seemed odd, but Veronica's assurance that it was a standard procedure eased my worries slightly.

"Yes, everything's fine, dear. Just a minor hiccup. But it's important that you stay here in the mansion until we get this sorted. We'll be back soon," she explained, her gaze locking onto mine, searching for any sign of hesitation or doubt.

I nodded, a flicker of excitement passing through me at the thought of being officially accepted for work in the mansion.

"Of course, Veronica. I'll stay. I have plenty to do here anyway," I replied, trying to sound as helpful and cooperative as possible. The promise of stability and acceptance in my job was more than enough reason for me to comply without question.

"Thank you, Kerry. I appreciate your cooperation. We'll handle everything quickly and have you back to your routine in no time," Veronica said, offering me a rare, if somewhat strained, smile before turning on her heel and leaving the kitchen.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

As she left, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and apprehension.

The fact that they were taking steps to ensure my position in the mansion officially was comforting, yet the request for my personal documents and the insistence that I stay put until they returned was unusual.

I shrugged off the feeling, convincing myself that it was just part of the formalities of securing a job in such a prestigious household.

The moment Desmond and Veronica stepped out of the house, a wave of curiosity washed over me. I watched through the window as their car disappeared down the long driveway, and a sense of determination took hold.


Their behavior had been too strange, too sudden in its shift, especially after they noticed the cross around my neck. Something deep inside me whispered that there were answers in that office, secrets tied to the cross I wore so close to my heart.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. "I just need to know," I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible in the empty kitchen.

The mansion was quiet, almost eerily so, with only the distant ticking of a clock breaking the silence. I wiped my hands on my apron, a nervous habit, and made my way towards the office.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

As I approached the door, my heart pounded in my chest. This wasn't just about snooping; it was about uncovering a connection to my past, to the family I barely remembered.


"You can do this, Kerry," I encouraged myself, my hand hesitating on the doorknob. With a gentle twist, the door creaked open, and I stepped inside.

I knew I was taking a risk, but the need for answers outweighed my fear. The cross around my neck felt heavier, a constant reminder of the family I longed to know more about. "I'll find out the truth," I promised myself, my resolve strengthening. "For my family, for me."

The search through the office was more than a quest for answers; it was a step towards understanding my past and reclaiming a piece of my identity that had been lost for too long.

Standing in front of the locked office door, a flood of memories washed over me. Growing up as an orphan, moving from one foster home to another, I had learned a few tricks to navigate the tough situations I often found myself in.

Among those was the skill of picking locks with just a simple bobby pin. It was a skill born out of necessity, a way to find a moment of freedom or escape when things got too overwhelming.

I reached into my hair, pulling out a bobby pin. It felt like a small key, not just to the door, but to the mysteries that lay beyond it. As I bent the pin, adjusting it to the shape I needed, I couldn't help but reflect on the irony.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Here I was, a maid in a grand mansion, relying on the survival skills I learned in less fortunate circumstances. "Life sure is strange," I muttered to myself, a faint smile crossing my lips despite the seriousness of the situation.

Kneeling before the lock, I inserted the bobby pin and began to gently wiggle and twist it, feeling for the familiar click of the tumblers falling into place. It took a bit of patience and a steady hand, but after a few tense minutes, I heard the soft click.

The thrill of success ran through me, but it was quickly replaced by a surge of nervous excitement about what I might discover inside.

I pushed the door open quietly, stepping into the office with a sense of purpose. "This is it," I thought, "I'm about to find out something... something important."


The skill I had learned out of a childhood necessity was now my ticket to uncovering a part of my past that was shrouded in mystery.

As I closed the door behind me, I couldn't shake the feeling that whatever I was about to discover would change my life forever.

As I stepped into the cluttered office, a sense of determination took over me. The room was a chaos of paperwork, old coffee cups, and layers of dust that seemed to have settled in over years of neglect. It was a sight I was all too familiar with, given my experience as a maid in various settings.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

This mess, however daunting, wasn't going to deter me. I rolled up my sleeves, mentally preparing myself to sift through the disorder in search of clues that might reveal why Desmond and Veronica were so interested in me.


I started with the paperwork, organizing it into piles, trying to make sense of the jumbled mess. Amid the chaos, I stumbled upon a photograph that took my breath away.

It was a picture of my grandfather, Richard Belford, wearing the very cross that now hung around my neck. The realization hit me like a wave—this mansion, with its towering walls and sprawling gardens, once belonged to my family.

My heart raced as I turned my attention to Desmond's laptop, left carelessly on the desk.

The screen was still on, displaying documents that outlined plans to arrange a renunciation of inheritance. Pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, painting a picture of deceit and betrayal. Desmond and Veronica's strange behavior, their sudden interest in me, it all made sense now. They were afraid. Afraid that I would discover my rightful claim to the mansion and everything within it.

A mix of emotions swirled within me—anger, shock, but above all, a resolve to fight for what was rightfully mine.

They thought they could manipulate me, leave me with nothing, but they were wrong. I wasn't just a maid they could push around. I was Kerry Belford, the rightful heir to this mansion, and I was going to prove it.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

As Desmond and Veronica walked through the door, their faces were a mask of feigned ignorance. They approached me with an air of urgency, shoving a stack of papers into my hands.

"We need these signed immediately, Kerry," Desmond said, his voice dripping with a false sense of importance. Veronica nodded vigorously, her eyes avoiding mine.

I leafed through the documents, my heart pounding in my chest. I spotted the document that would strip me of my rightful inheritance among the supposed employment papers.

It was clear they thought they could easily deceive me, treating me as nothing more than a naive servant in their grand scheme.


But I wasn't about to let them win. A plan began to form in my mind, a way to turn the tables on them. With a calm I didn't feel, I looked them straight in the eyes. "Why would I sign away my rights?" I asked, my voice steady.

Desmond and Veronica exchanged a panicked glance. "It's just standard procedure," Veronica stammered, trying to regain control of the situation.

I couldn't help but smile, sensing their desperation. "I know who I am. I'm the granddaughter of Richard Belford, the true owner of this mansion.

And I certainly won't be working here as a maid," I declared, my voice filled with newfound strength.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


Their faces fell, and for a moment, they were speechless. I had caught them off guard, revealing that I knew more than they had anticipated.

Standing there in the grand foyer of the mansion was a turning point for me. I had come into this house as a maid, but now, I was claiming my place as its rightful heir.

It was a moment of triumph, not just over Desmond and Veronica, but over all the challenges I had faced. I was no longer just Kerry, the maid; I was Kerry Belford, ready to take back what was mine.

Standing in the grand hallway, with the echoes of our conversation bouncing off the high ceilings, I watched as Desmond and Veronica's faces transformed from tense to understanding.

Their promise to help correct the misunderstanding felt like a ray of sunlight piercing through a cloudy sky. It was hard to shake off the skepticism entirely, but their earnestness made me want to believe in their good intentions.

"When your mother passed away, the entire situation became so complicated," Desmond said, his voice carrying a note of sincerity I hadn't heard before. "We had no idea about you, Kerry. If we had known, we would have acted differently."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Veronica stepped forward, her demeanor softer than I had ever seen it. "We want to make this right," she said, her eyes meeting mine. "We need your documents to restore your inheritance legally. It's a process, but we're committed to seeing it through."

The idea of handing over my documents had made me uneasy at first, but their proposal was the only way forward.

"I'll stay," I said, still cautious but feeling a flicker of hope. "But I want transparency. I want to be involved in every step of this process."

"Of course," Veronica replied, her smile warm. "You'll see, we'll take good care of you. It's the least we can do."


As days turned into weeks, I noticed a change in the mansion's atmosphere. Veronica, who had once seemed so distant and cold, now engaged me in long conversations over tea, sharing stories of the mansion and the family history I had been unaware of.

Desmond took it upon himself to explain the legal processes involved in reclaiming my inheritance, patiently answering my endless questions.

This unexpected hospitality and their efforts to make amends started to soften my heart towards them. It was as if they were genuinely trying to make up for the oversight, however massive it had been.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Despite my initial reservations, I found myself enjoying their company, appreciating their kindness and the warmth they extended to me during this complex transition.


That evening, a sense of unease mingled with the aroma of cooking that wafted through the mansion. Veronica's offer, while kind on the surface, felt laced with hidden intentions.

Desmond's insistence that I stay out of the kitchen only deepened my suspicions. "Please, let us take care of everything tonight," he said, with a firmness that brooked no argument.

Everything about their behavior seemed too calculated, too contrary to their usual demeanor. It was as if they were playing roles in a play I hadn't been given the script for.

As I sat in the hall, the grandeur of the room felt oppressive rather than comforting.

The portraits on the walls seemed to watch me with a mix of curiosity and pity, as if they knew the history of the mansion better than anyone and were wary of its repetition.

My heart raced as I considered the possibility that Veronica and Desmond's sudden kindness was a facade for more sinister plans.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was walking into a trap, but I also knew this was my chance to expose them.

With my phone cleverly concealed under a napkin on the dining table, I dialed 911, ensuring that help would be on its way if my fears were confirmed.

The weight of the decision pressed heavily on me; calling the authorities without concrete evidence was a risk, but one I felt compelled to take for my own safety and to catch them in the act potentially.

Peering through the crack in the door to the kitchen, I watched them. Their movements were smooth and practiced, too perfect. The laughter and casual banter they exchanged felt like a performance designed to throw me off guard.

Yet, amidst the clinking of cookware and the sizzle of food on the stove, my resolve hardened. I was determined to see this through, to uncover the truth behind their sudden change of heart.

When they began setting the table, moving with a sense of purpose and anticipation, I knew the moment of truth was approaching.

My heart pounded in my chest as I braced myself for what was to come, the phone hidden under the napkin my silent witness.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

As they called me to join them, their voices laced with forced cheerfulness, I steeled myself for whatever lay ahead, ready to confront the situation head-on, backed by the invisible presence of the authorities on the line.

Tonight, I would either uncover their true intentions or confirm my place in this strange, new dynamic. Either way, I was not going to be the victim in their game.

Sitting quietly in the grand dining room of my late grandfather’s estate, I watched with a mix of curiosity and unease as Desmond and Veronica clumsily attempted to set the table for dinner.

Despite their apparent lack of finesse, there was a palpable tension in the air, an unspoken expectation that tonight was more than just a simple meal.


My offer to assist was quickly dismissed, with Desmond insistent that I remain a guest, albeit under peculiar circumstances.

As we finally sat down to dine, Veronica’s impatience was unmistakable. She urged me to eat, her eyes fixed on me with an intensity that felt unsettling. Desmond, too, seemed unusually focused on my every move.

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as I brought the spoon to my lips, the soup’s aroma failing to mask the underlying sense of dread.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

The moment the soup touched my tongue, I knew I had to act convincingly. My body responded with a coughing fit, exaggerated yet necessary, to sell the illusion of being poisoned.


As I collapsed to the floor, a fleeting look of satisfaction on Veronica’s face confirmed my suspicions. Their subsequent conversation, shockingly candid about my supposed demise, revealed the depth of their treachery.

“Did you think this poison would be so strong.. From one spoon!?” Desmond’s voice carried a mix of surprise and a dark curiosity.

“She's a slender girl, maybe for her, it's enough,” Veronica’s cold reply echoed with a chilling confidence. Their words, discussing the disposal of my body as if I were nothing more than an inconvenience, fueled a silent rage within me.

Their hands gripped me with a false sense of finality as they carried me outside, unaware of the trap I had laid for them.

The sight of flashing police lights and the sound of sirens shattered the night’s stillness, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. The officers moved quickly, their presence a testament to the lifeline my hidden phone call had provided.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


Veronica’s venomous words, as the handcuffs clicked around her wrists, were a bitter reminder of the disdain she held for me. “You think you’re clever, you mere servant?” she hissed, her voice laced with malice.

Yet, her attempts to demean me fell on deaf ears, overshadowed by the satisfaction of her imminent downfall.

Standing there, amidst the chaos of their arrest, I couldn’t help but reflect on the surreal turn of events. My decision to feign poisoning, a desperate ploy born of suspicion and fear, had exposed their heinous plot for all to see.

The realization that I had outmaneuvered them, using their arrogance against them, was strangely empowering.

The aftermath of that night was a whirlwind of legal proceedings and revelations. Desmond and Veronica’s plan to murder me for my inheritance was laid bare, their actions condemned by all who heard of their deceit.

The courtroom became a stage for their downfall, each piece of evidence against them a nail in the coffin of their freedom.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


As the judge pronounced their sentence, the finality of their fate was a sobering reminder of the dangers of greed and malice.

Veronica’s parting curse, a futile attempt to wound me one last time, was met with my own retort. “By the way, Veronica, the soup was too salty.” It was a small victory, but one that spoke volumes.

In the end, the inheritance that had once been a source of contention was rightfully mine.

The estate, with its sprawling gardens and echoing halls, stood as a testament to my grandfather’s legacy, now untainted by the greed that had sought to claim it.

The betrayal I had faced, while painful, had forged a new path for me, one of resilience and strength.

As I walked through the halls of my newly inherited home, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of closure. The shadows that had once lurked in every corner seemed less menacing, the future less uncertain.

I had faced darkness and emerged victorious, my spirit unbroken. The estate, once a battleground for inheritance, was now a sanctuary, a place where new beginnings could flourish, free from the shadows of the past.


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If you enjoyed this story, read this one: After a harsh argument between a couple, Caleb insults his wife, Denis. The next day, she leaves the house in a luxury car. Caleb finds that his wife recently acquired a lot of money as an inheritance, and he tries to win her back to pay back his loans and save his marriage. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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